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Re: NVIDIA i2c adapter?

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Stephen Cormier wrote:
>> Sorry to say, you'll either have to live with that error, downgrade your
>>  kernel, use open drivers or get a new video card.  Those are the only
>> options I see.
>> Joe
> I believe the idea is that the legacy driver as they are calling it will 
> continue to be updated to keep supporting the older cards at least that is 
> what I have read on the site whether they do it or not is another thing...
> Stephen

Now that is surprising.  It wouldn't be in their best interest to do
that.  We all know that companies like that live on people upgrading
their system so it will run smoothly with the latest software.  Things
like Beryl are great boons for them because they know that the older
cards are too slow to do effective GL rendering with the modern software.

Windows Vista is even more demanding.  Typically, it is the games that
push the limit of video cards, but things like compiz, beryl, mattise
and other 3D desktops can also benefit from fast graphic processing.

However, if they want to keep loyal customers, it is necessary to
support older hardware, only because it enhances their reputation as a
company that supports their products.  Nvidia, while proprietary, does a
much better job of supporting GNU/Linux than ATI does, but Intel by
open-sourcing their drivers has taken the lead.  Too bad they don't make
video cards.


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