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Re: OT: A Republican!!!!!! (was Re: OT: sponge burning!)

Ron Johnson wrote:
On 03/14/07 11:39, Kent West wrote:
Not to rain on Darwin's parade, but, um, the death of the unfit does not
mean that the survivors have automagically improved. They're still the
same ol' critters they were before the unfit died off.

(It might can be argued that the improvement came to the fit population
_before_ the unfit died off, but it can just as equally be argued that
the entire population originally started out as fit, and then the
sub-population degenerated into the unfit. And I'm not trying to argue
one side or the other; I'm just pointing out that there's a disconnect
in the thinking that the extinction of the less-fit automatically means
the survivors have seen some sort of improvement.)

Let's say the pre-windmill ratio of fast-maneuverable-with-great-
eyesight to normal ducks was 2:98, and had been static for eons,
since the environmental situation was such that even the "normal"
ducks got plenty of food and mates.

But the normal ducks will get killed off, and so in 20 years the
ration of super ducks to normal ducks will be 98:2, and what-was-
super is now the norm, and what was normal is now inferior.

Thus, all of the super-ducks will be mating, and any recessive
super-duper genes will come to the forefront.

So you're arguing that the "improvement came to the fit population _before_ the unfit died off", in the form of "recessive super-duper genes", which is one of the conditions I mentioned above.

This does not change my point that "there's a disconnect in the thinking that the extinction of the less-fit automatically means the survivors have seen some sort of improvement".

It's like a population of crayons consisting of red and green crayons, and all the green crayons one day get eaten by Homer Simpson, leaving only the red crayons. The extinction of the green does not explain the origin of the red. It only means the red survived.


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