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Re: Dunk-Tank and the DD strike

In article <[🔎] 1173886813.10719.120.camel@localhost.localdomain> you write:
>Hi folks,
>I know much has already been said, and I certainly am not 
>interested in starting a flame war, but isn't it time 
>to move on?
>Both sides have made their point and I doubt the experiment
>will be repeated in future. But haven't we had enough?
>The longer this situation continues the more harm we do 
>to ourselves and to debian - IMHO. 

What situation are you talking about? There's nothing remotely like a
strike going on that I can see. We're about 2 days away from the final
release of debian-installer into testing, and we have a tentative
release date set for April 2nd - see last night's post to
debian-devel-announce for details.


Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
"I suspect most samba developers are already technically insane... Of
 course, since many of them are Australians, you can't tell." -- Linus Torvalds

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