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Re: LDAP Authentication problem

Hi all, Roberto

The configuration-file from my debian client looks exactly the same as
the one from the suse-client...

(Suse:/etc/ldap.conf = Debian:/etc/libnss-ldap.conf)


On 3/8/07, Christoph Buchli <christoph.buchli@gmail.com> wrote:
I really don't want to lose much words, so let's start ;)

I have an LDAP-server which works (a SUSE-Client is able to
authenticate on this server...).
The server requires SSL/TLS to connect...
My ambition is now to connect from my freshly installed Debian-Etch
client to this server and to authenticate (using libnss-ldap) on it.

Nice, so far. Isn't it?

Now, the way that is already behind me:
I've installed first the libnss-ldap package and configured it... I
was pretty sure that everything was as good as possible!

I've edited the /etc/nsswitch.conf (1).
Then, I wrote the password for the admin-user into /etc/libnss-ldap.secret:
# echo -n "<password>" > /etc/libnss-ldap.secret

After that, I made softlinks into the /etc/ldap, so that
/etc/ldap/ldap.conf -> /etc/libnss-ldap.conf
/etc/ldap/ldap.secret -> /etc/libnss-ldap.secret

I did that because I just couldn't figure out, which is the right
configuration file....

As already said, the server works. So I thought, I joust could do "su
<user>" and I'll be this user ;)
Actually this didn't work and finally we reach my problem now:

It's quite easy to describe: It doesn't work ;)
I got the "No such user"- error...

So, I turned on one of my best friends: Wireshark (on the server).
It showed me some SSL-traffic between the client and the server... Not
bad so far... :D
But in the syslog from my client I could find "Couldn't connect to
LDAP server".."cn=admin,o=cag".

I can't see my mistake... But I'm sure that it is kind of a lack of

Thanks a lot for answers...
Christoph Buchli

# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep -v ^\#
passwd:         ldap files
group:          ldap files
shadow:         ldap files
hosts:          files dns
networks:       files
protocols:      db files
services:       db files
ethers:         db files
rpc:            db files
netgroup:       nis

# cat /etc/libnss-ldap.conf | grep -v ^\#
  @(#)$Id: ldap.conf,v 2.47 2006/05/15 08:13:44 lukeh Exp $
base o=cag
uri ldaps://x.y.21.109:636
ldap_version 3
rootbinddn cn=admin,o=cag
pam_password    nds
ssl     start_tls
nss_map_attribute       uniqueMember member
pam_filter      objectclass=posixAccount
nss_base_passwd o=cag
nss_base_shadow o=cag
nss_base_group  o=cag

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