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Re: We need an off-topic list (was Re: REALLY OT: News Flash)

Ron Johnson wrote:
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On 02/26/07 17:09, Mike McCarty wrote:

Tyler MacDonald wrote:

Sven Arvidsson <sa@whiz.se> wrote:


While you're busy restarting that flame war again, why not also
ressurect the one asking for so-called header munging, so people can
just reply like to other lists, instead of having to reply-all and then
delete the OP?


I know you're just tossing coal dust onto the fire, but seriously,
Debian's Tbird/Icedove 1.5 is patched (which won't be in upstream
until 3.0) to allow the "Reply To List" extension.

*Very* handy.

Interesting. Maybe if I ever load Debian on my own machine
I'll run that.

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