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Re: Stupid Noob Question: Surfing the 'Testing' edge

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Michael S. Peek wrote:
> Okay, so, just to make sure that I understand completely.  Once Etch
> becomes the new stable release, does the unstable release replace the
> testing release?  I.e. if I leave my systems at "testing", will I come
> in one day and find that all of my computers want to upgrade a billion
> packages to become what was Sid the day before, or does the testing
> release stay the same and continue to evolve at it's regular pace?

According to the documentation, when Etch is made stable, a new testing
will be made (in this case called Lenny), which is a direct clone of
Etch.  Packages will migrate from Sid to Lenny at the same pace as usual
for the testing distro.

However, since Etch has been frozen, there are a lot of packages from
Sid that are ready for Testing, but can't go there.  Lenny will catch
them when it is created, thus it is possible that the large number of
packages flowing in could cause some stability problems.

Does this clear things up?

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