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Re: Ubuntu vs. Debian (was Re: Introduction)

On Sun, 2007-02-11 at 23:50 +0100, Joe Hart wrote:
> Exactly.  The policy for Ubuntu is 18 month support for normal versions, 
> 36 month for Dapper, which was released in June 2006.

Normal releases
18 months for Desktop and Server

For LTS releases:
36 months for Desktop
60 months for Server

>   However, Edgy 
> will not merge into Dapper because Dapper is fixed.  The only thing that 
> changes with Dapper are security related, much like Sarge is today.  The 
> support for Edgy will end before the support for Dapper does.

Yep, the ABIs and APIs stay the same. Unless for some REALLY REALLY
REALLY bad problem a small change is unavoidable to fix a MASSIVE issue.

> There is a backports project that will allow people using older versions 
> to get updated applications, and kubuntu.org places newer versions of 
> the programs it uses on it's website, so I was running KDE 3.5.6 on 
> Edgy, but only have 3.5.5 on this Etch system.

Use backports at your own risk.

> Keep in mind that Ubuntu only supports a small subset of packages.  I've 
> heard their repositories are pulled strait from Sid and nobody bothers 
> to test more than the core that they support to see if it actually 
> works.  If you run Ubuntu, and enable the universe and multiverse repos, 
> you're simply opening contrib and non-free on sid.  While that may work 
> for some, it isn't advisable in a production scenario.  If Ubuntu was 
> only targeting the desktop, that would be fine but they're not.

No, not contrib and non-free. Not even close. Yes they are in there, but
many packages that are normally included in "main" in Debian are not in
Ubuntu without universe and some not included without multiverse.

If you need examples, they are easy to find. This is the reason Ubuntu
can relase much more often, they are officially only supporting a core
subset from Sid. Not the Full 15,000 packages in "main" not to mention
the 4,000+ additional in contrib and non-free. (this doesn't include
experimental at all either)

Even with universe and multiverse there are only 17,000 packages.

> I don't know for sure if that is true.  I'm quite sure that someone will 
> correct me if they know different.

That would be me.

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