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Re: WEP is possible, WPA not (wpa_supplicant)


I have an intel 3945 wireless card, installed wpa_supplicant (via
apt-get, debian etch installation).
i am using wpa_supplicant on etch with the same card and it works fine on a linksys router.

The configuration for WEP works, but for WPA I never get an ip address
from the DHCP server.
i have the exactly opposite experience - it didnt' work with WEP but works fine with WPA.

the relevant part of my /etc/network/interfaces reads as follows:

allow-hotplug eth2
iface eth2 inet dhcp
	wpa-ssid SSIDNAME
	wpa-psk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (the passphrase 'hash')
	wpa-driver wext

that's actually all and it works fine for me without any additional parameters.


Lubos _@_"

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