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Re: How to create a debian-Cd like a standard

"abdelkader belahcene" <abelahcene@gmail.com> wrote in message [🔎] 46688cb90701090001h18e863dl9bb283ae5f7236a5@mail.gmail.com">news:[🔎] 46688cb90701090001h18e863dl9bb283ae5f7236a5@mail.gmail.com...
I create a debian Cd from a selected packages for my own purpose, so I
have 2 cd's, the first official one ( a bootable cd) and the second
built with dpkg-scanpackage. Instead of this a want a Cd like the
official standard ( to respect the tree of directories). To do it
manually it is hard ( the copy and sort for alphabetic order, the
md5sum,....), I want the script which create the official.

thanks in advance for any help

If I understand you correctly you want the script that generates the offical CDs. You want to provide a list of packages and have the script generate a binary CD containing those packages. You want the format of the cd to be compatible with apt-cd so that the cd acts just like any of the official cds
as far as installing packages goes. Is that correct?

If you have a proper working mirror of the debian archive (must include at a minimum the packages you want, but can be generated in any manner),
then you can use the official cd creation scripts.
(I belive the mirror must be added to apt's sources.list)

To get the scripts see the question "I have a local Debian mirror and want to create my own CDs. How do I do this?" on http://www.debian.org/CD/faq/.

Now on to how to use the scripts:
You will need to edit CONF.sh
The lines you will need to change are:
export MIRROR=...
export TDIR=...     #Must be on same partition as mirror
export DEBVERSION=...  #might already be correct
export CODENAME=... #might already be correct
export OUT=...
export APTTMP=...

If any of the packaqges come from Non-free uncomment
# export NONFREE=1

If you have local packages you wish to include on the cd take a look at "LOCAL" and "LOCALDEBS"

Now, you must create the package list. Put it in the tasks directory. Lets call it 'mytask'. (It is a simple text file containing the names of the packages you want on the disc).

Good. Now we just run:
make distclean
make status
make list TASK=tasks/mytask COMPLETE=0 make bin-official_images

If you have any problems, please contact the CD team.

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