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What was SA thinking?

    Recently a ton of mail running through SA has been hitting the soft-limit
for spam.  I have it set tight, 5.0 for mark and pass.  7.0 for reject at
SMTP.  Mail from this list, from Exim's list, mail from an MMORPG I play and
from a motorcycle web site I went to all got blocked.  Ok, so maybe someone
got pissed at the MMORPG and Motorcycle site, but Debian and Exim!?  Here's
the snippet of score from the latest exim mail to be blocked:

	*  2.8 URIBL_PH_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the PH SURBL blocklist
	*      [URIs: exim.org computurn.com eiffel.com]
	*  3.8 URIBL_AB_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the AB SURBL blocklist
	*      [URIs: exim.org computurn.com eiffel.com]

    A score of 6.6 because of exim.org being a listed URL?  Obviously these
lists are faulty yet the scoring is extremely high?  What prompted SA people
to include such drek and throw the scoring completely out the window!?

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