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Re: Etch becoming slower than Sarge?

Douglas Tutty wrote:

The only thing I touch java for is javascript in the browser so I can
use bloatpages when necessary.  Why else support-by-using such a
nasty, bloated, waste of processing?  Then again, I only program in two
languages: python for the front end and, if necessary for speed, fortran
for the back end.  Since I'm used to a 486 (and started out with a Z-80)
I try to reduce load subconsciously.
I really understand you, I started with Commodore 128, and first started to think about resources with Amiga 500.
Why do you use a terminal that takes 23m, a file manager that takes 14m,
what is a 115m keyboard?
That gnome-keyboard-applet I use to switch keyboard layouts. I live in non-English speaking country. And always switching to console to switch layout is not very practical, and this applet supports cycling through layouts with one key stroke. Only Gnome and KDE have such thing.
No wonder your system is slow.
I didn't complain my system is slow (although it is when running Eclipse, it's the first java on the list), Kumar did.

You really need to find out why you aren't showing all your memory and
if you want to run all these aps concurrently with good performance you
should add more memory.


In which sense I am not showing all memory?


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