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Re: hardware raid vs. software raid

On 30.11.06 15:44, Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
> Preparing to buy a new server...
> What is debian's opinion about hardware/software raid?
> I have the feeling that software raid 1 is more reliable since if
> anything goes wrong with the hardware, I could just take one or two
> disks out of the server and put them into a workstation to get up and
> running or copy data of the disks for the time until the hardware gets
> fixed.

it highly depends on the hardware raid. The true hardware RAID with
hotspare, hotswap etc. support and with proper drivers (so you won't have to
boot into its bios to reconfigure it) will be much more reliable.

> On the other hand, performance will probably be better with a dedicated
> hardware raid controller.

it highly depends on the hardware raid. The true hardware RAID with XOR
counting and mirroring support will be much faster.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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