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Re: what's up with all the attitude

> It is not that we have an attitude, just that better than 90% of the
> questions asked on Debian-User have been asked before and have solutions
> already in the archive. Nearly everyone asking questions says "I search
> the archives" or "I've Googled for this". This then also leads us to be
> suspicious as to the sincereity, nee laziness. You might get a ton of
> "Read The Fine Manual" with pointers to the proper location. But
> understand, it is not to dis you.
Hi Greg,
I read a blog post which I think can enlighten the 'I googled and found
nothing' issue. The post pointed out that two people google differently
because not all of us have the same 'skill' at it. Thus if you google
and get the answer, it is because you may have more 'googling skills'.
This skill may be proportional to your Debian skill and thus the more you
use Debian, the better your ability to find the answer and the better
you can use Debian. It may be useful to show folks what query was used
by you and compare it to the one the confused party used, in the same
way you should ask for the output of a command like 'route' for
comparison with a network problem.
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