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Re: xorg , xfree86?

On Sun, Nov 05, 2006 at 11:13:59AM +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
> Hello Kevin.
> Kevin Mark, 05.11.2006 03:08:
> > One of the major differences between XFree86 and Xorg is the use of 
> > modularized source.
> Nope. 


> That???s the difference between Release 6.9 and 7.0 and has nothing to
> do with differences between XFree86 and Xorg. 

One of the reasons why there was not a modularized source tree in
XFree86 was that it was not allowed to happen. No? So XFree86 never
could have it, while Xorg now does. And this lead to XFree86 development
being harder than Xorg. To me this is a differnce, a major difference,
regardless which version of Xorg has it.

> (Although the former doesn???t have a modularized tree.)

Did I not say that?

Does XFree86 have a modularized source tree? No.
Does Xorg 6.9 have a modularized source tree? No.
Does Xorg 7.0+ have a modularized source tree? Yes.

> That means: if you want a monolithic X-server, you can have one with Xorg too.

So its possible to have a monolithic Xorg X server. Debian does not
package one. Who does?

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