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Re: Starting iptables

On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 05:45:34PM -0500, cothrige wrote:
> I was wondering about the best way to start iptables with each boot in
> Debian and so I did some googling.  I found a Debian Wiki and it gave
> instructions concerning update-rc.d, but this requires a script for
> iptables in init.d and this does not exist.  At least not in my
> system.  Can anyone give me a quick idea of the "correct" way to start
> iptables at boot?  I suppose I could just add something to rc.local,
> but I was sort of assuming there was a more appropriate way.
> Many thanks,
> Patrick
As far as I know, iptables itself, part of the kernel, is always
'running', its just that unless you add rules, it doesn't actually do
anything.  You either have to add those rules by hand, write a script
that does that, or use a piece of software that does.  This is what
various 'firewall' packages does.

For basic dialup, you can just use ipmasq.  If you want total controll
go with shorewall.  If you want a great piece of documentation that
explains the issues, read the shorewall docs, theres a great html-format

Even if you end up deciding to go with ipmasq, I highly recommend the
shorewall docs.  Install it, read, learn, then decide.

Note when doing reading, that iptables is also known as NetFilter.



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