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Re: Debian & Old Toshiba Laptop

Kai wrote:
I have a very old Toshiba laptop and I am looking to put Debian or
some other form of linux on it.
CPU: Pentium I
HD: ~700MB

With such a tiny amount of RAM, I think you need DSL (D*mn Small Linux).


I can boot and install from a large stack of floppys (20-25 disks),
but I want to install from a CD or network and choose certain
packages. I can access the CD during installation, and after install,
but I can't boot from it, even using a Smart Boot Manager floppy. I

I have not experienced this. I suspect you either have a proprietary
CDROM I/F board, or a hardware problem.

want to install any base packages (preferably ash, not bash), and I
want to use Xfce or IceWM-lite as a GUI, because the computer is so

Well, I gave you my advice.

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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