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gnucash/libffi upgrade problems: work-around

I just did a dist-upgrade in testing and ended up unable to proceed or
back up with the install, and key system services (e.g., DNS) not

If this should happen to affect you, I finally worked around it by
   apt-get -remove libffi libgwrap-runtime0-dev g-wrap gnucash

The upgrade proceeded after the packages were removed, and 
   apt-get install gnucash
then installed gnucash and dependents without complaint.

The new gnucash depends on libffi4, but libffi claimed some of the
same files, so dpkg would not unpack libffi4.  The bug-tracking
system says there is no libffi; it's probably a leftover from much
earlier days. libffi4 is part of the gcc-4.2 source package.

If you want more details, see bug 387561.

Ross Boylan

(*) If you have different packages, the basic process began with
   apt-get remove libffi
and then kept adding the packages that the resulting command
complained about.

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