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Re: Problems with AllegroCL & SETI Server

On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 06:08:40PM -0500, Sandra L. McGrew wrote:
> I'm trying to clear up at least two things... 
> 1st. What directory is AllegroCL located in???
> 2nd. Everytime this Debian computer loads or unloads a package it tries to
> contact an alien server at berkley.edu... at some IP... it never can
> contact it... I've successfully pinged this server at the IP it's trying
> ftp to... I think that this computer does not have the correct permissions
> to gain access to the ftp server at berkley.edu... if I get an account
> there, how do I changed the string that this computer is sending to the
> berkley.edu server to authenticate with??? where is it located???
>              I would apppreciate any help that you can give me...
>                    Most sincerley, 
>                                 Dan (nurse1@longviewcomm[removethis].net)
Welcome to Debian Gnu/Linux!
when you say 'loads' and 'unloads', I'm not sure what you mean. If by
this you mean 'installs and removes software', then (apt-get,aptitude or
synaptic) are contacting the server that contains a software repository
as stated in the /etc/apt/sources.list file to get software packages. If
there is a problem, it has nothing to do with 'access' and you can not
affect  the situation by changing anything on the berkley.edu server if
you had the permission to do so. If you have problems with one software
repository, normally it will be corrected by simply waiting, other that
that you can try to change the info in /etc/apt/sources.list to a more
reliable one.
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