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Re: CUPS 1.2: doesn't actually print

On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 01:36:06PM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
> I'm on a complaint roll today.
> After upgrading cupsys to 1.2 (Etch), CUPS starts but my Laserjet 1012 is
> always "not ready".  Yes, it is, Mr. Computer.  I can print to it fine from
> a Windows box, for instance.
> I'm not a newbie, so I thought I'd use the logs to figure out the problem. 
> Here is the full contents of error_log:
> E [09/Jun/2006:13:14:16 -0400] [Job 112] Unable to open USB device "usb:/dev/usb/lp0": Success
> E [09/Jun/2006:13:14:16 -0400] PID 14359 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/usb) stopped with status 1!
> E [09/Jun/2006:13:14:21 -0400] PID 14358 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) stopped with status 9!
> You can see how helpful that is.
> So I looked at access_log:
> localhost - - [09/Jun/2006:13:18:05 -0400] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 352 CUPS-Get-Classes successful-ok
> localhost - - [09/Jun/2006:13:18:05 -0400] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 128 Get-Jobs successful-ok
> I'm a developer myself, and I can't imagine writing messages that useless.  
> So how can I figure out what "not ready" really means, anyway?

I know this doesn't help you, but I'm having similar problems with both
my HP 1200 (parallel) and EPson R300 (usb).  It may extend beyond
printers, though, as I'm encountering issues with the scanner as well.

I have found no errors in my logs which explain it.

Another thing--if a job was queued with CUPS (with the 1200, at least),
then on reboot (as part of my attempts to remedy things by deleting
various packages, etc.) the queued job starts up, but is screwed up. 
Later printouts continue to fail mysteriously.  

In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be 
_teachers_ and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, 
because passing civilization along from one generation to the next 
ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone 
could have.     - Lee Iacocca

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