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Re: Gnome locale

On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 07:59:42PM -0700, Alex Malinovich wrote:
>I'm not sure if this is a problem with my local setup or if something
>has changed with the packaging of Gnome in the last few months, but
>Gnome seems to be convinced that it's running with a UK locale. All of
>the menus are in "proper" (UK) English. "Colours", "organisations",
>"Wastebasket" instead of "Trash", etc. (Ironically, my English
>(American) spell checker is showing the above as misspelled.)
>Looking at my system settings the only thing that's suspect is my
>LANGUAGE setting.
>demonbane@Thief:~$ locale
>What's strange is that when I set up the "locales" package I didn't
>select any GB items. I just reconfirmed it (wajig reconfigure locales)
>and the only locales I have selected in there are US.
>Any ideas if the above could be causing this behavior, and, if so, how
>to change it?

I've found the locales package to be a bit wonky before, usually doing a
dpkg-reconfigure on it has solved my problems.

You might want to take a look at your /etc/environment. If you're using
GDM to log in you can always explicitly set your locale when logging in.


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