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Re: OT: Re: Why do people in the UK put a u in the word color?

Am 2006-04-26 10:35:22, schrieb Gene Heskett:

> Yes, sad isn't it, particularly since the keyboard configs used here for 
> linux don't very well allow the painless typeing of such characters.
> I personally think our keyboard mapping should allow, via the alt keys, 
> as much of the full 8 bit character set as is practical, but it seems 
> to be sadly lacking there.  Back when we were all using amiga's, it was 
> no problem at all to type that stylized B for beta, or a copyright 
> sign, all of which were simple alt+ keystrokes on the miggy's keyboard.  
> Unforch, when I try that with kmail, it seems to be treated as a hotkey 
> of some sort, which is totally uncouth behaviour IMNSHO.

I have the same problem...  Generaly using a german keyboard
which allow me DE, EN, FR, ES, IT, TR AR and FA...

Going to some arabic contry where the second Language is
english I am lost...

In the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia) they are working
with french keyboards which are nice too but I do not like it.

I like to have a Holo-Keyboard  ;-)  or at least one, which
can change the visible characters on the caps...  (Yes, they
exist already...  haveing little 256-Color LCD's on each cap)

I use <Super_L> plus <AltGR> or <Shift> to switch keyboard
layouts on the fly)

    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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