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Re: Gnome/KDE resources

On 25.04.2006, at 15:11, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

Curtis Vaughan wrote:
I remember sometime at the end of last year reading that KDE uses less resources than Gnome. After reading that I had to install linux on an
older machine for someone, so I put KDE on it. It worked OK.

Now I get the latest Linux Journal and they say in there than Gnome
uses less resources.
I tried to remember what it was that I had read about KDE and began to
think, well maybe it wasn't that KDE used less resources overall  but
that it used less ROM or something. Doesn't matter. My question  then
is, given an older machine that KDE or Gnome can run on, which should I
install to get better performance?



PS. Please no rants!!!! You can write me directly in order to avoid
such, if you want.
PPS. I know about IceWM, etc. which use much less resources than KDE or Gnome. But those don't interest me for the purpose of this letter. Thanks!

If you are looking for low resource usage, then you want Window Maker
(my favorite), or fluxbox, or Enlightenment, or XFCE, or IceWM, or any
of the many other lightweight WMs.


No I know that. I use XFCE on one computer for that reason. But I just want to know between KDE and Gnome.

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