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Re: Question about building a Debian package

lmyho wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have questions about building a debian package on my own:
> Assuming I can get the same version of source files from 1) downloading the source
> from its website, 2) "apt-get source" from the debian achieve, and to use
> dpkg-buildpackage to build the binary package myself for use.  My question is: for
> the built binary package, is there any difference between using the source file from
> the debian archive to build it, and using the source file from its own website? 
> The reason caused me to have such question is because there seem to be some kind of
> debian/rules which need to apply to the source files before build the binary
> package, but which I am not familiar with at all.  I would like to know what are
> they and how to apply them?  My purpose just want to make the built binary package
> safe and risk-free in practice and maintainable by the debian filesystem, such as
> can be automatically updated (via 'apt-get update' or ?) and keep it consistent with
> the system libs and other related packages always whenever the system gets updated. 
> Hope I have made my question clear, but if you need any more detail please let me
> know.
> Thank you very much for help!  Any advices and comments are highly appreciated.
> Regards,
> leo

If you want to debianize a software package then you should check out
the New Maintainer Guide.  If you want to modify a package, then
checkout my howto:



Roberto C. Sanchez

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