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Re: good anti-virus software to use?

Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:
> On Friday 21 April 2006 04:19, Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
>>Also linux viruses occur only very seldom -- probably because of linux's
>>different security approach.
> Could it be because there are less number of desktop users using Linux than
> windows?
> raju

No.  It is because Linux was designed from the very beginning to:

- support multiple users
- have a sane security policy
- operate on (dangerous) public networks

OTOH, Windows was designed to:

- support a single user (not just at a time, but on the whole system)
- have no security policy whatsoever
- operate on Microsoft's also-ran version of AOL/CompuServe/Prodigy

Of course, you can look at Apache and IIS as good comparison.  Apache
has 66+ % of the web server market (depending on how you measure).
However, the percentage of compromises/viruses/whatever are mostly
toward IIS.  Also, even if Linux and Mac had only 1% of the desktop
market each, and there are (optimistically) about 30,000 windows
viruses, where are the 300+ Mac viruses and 300+ Linux viruses that
should be out there?

That says nothing of the server market, where Linux has much more than 1%.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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