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Re: Sound configuration and mount to usb device

On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 02:34 pm, Rocky Ou wrote:
>    1. How can I make my computer speak or sing? I mean I can see the
>    small speaker icon show at the bottom right of my PC's screen(in window
> we call it task bar but i don't know how linux name it) but I can not hear
> any voice. Do I need to apt-get install a particular package to manager my
> sound machinism? What are their names? I do not know the model of my sound
> card but it works fine under windows XP system.

Open a terminal and type in "alsaconf" (if it's not there you need to install 
the alsa-utils package). Then just answer the questions and it should set up 
your sound for you. (ALSA = Advanced Linux Sound Architecture).

>    2. How can I mount to my usb port devices? I have a MP3 player. I can
>    plug into USB port and copy & paste content betwen PC's harddrive and
> MP3 player. But when I switch to Debian, I do not know how to have access
> to it. The USB port works fine tested by plug in a usb keyboard.
If you use Gnome or KDE desktops this stuff is usually taken care of for you 
in more recent Debian; but I think it still needs some user configuration in 

Sometimes it is as simple as making sure the usb-storage module is loaded, by 
typing "modprobe usb-storage" in a terminal.

If not, the basic way to do it manually:

1.	Plug in your drive, wait a few moments, then type "dmesg | tail" and look              			       					
for something like "sda: sda1" -  it - it might be "sdb2" or whatever - which 		
is the name which has been assigned to your drive. Say it was sda1;

2.	Create a new folder in /mnt called whatever you want: say, /mnt/mp3player

3.	Now type (as root): "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/mp3player"

Now you should be able to see the files in your player in the new folder. 

Make sure you unmount it ("umount /dev/sda1") before unplugging. 

This can all be automated but I'll leave that up to the experts to explain. Or 
try google.

If none of this works, ask again with a bit more information: are you using 
Gnome, KDE or something else; what kernel version are you using 
(type "uname -r") and what modules are loaded ("lsmod").

Hope this helps,


P.S. If you're interested, read up on the packages udev, dbus, pmount, hal and 
gnome-volume-manager, which are designed to work together to automate the use 
of removable devices. On my laptop it works beautifully (but I use Etch and 
it may not work for Sarge).

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