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Re: How can I delete Evolution?

Eugen Rahaian wrote:

This is a reply to message http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2006/04/msg01170.html
(I was not on the list)

Kev wrote in the above message:
Hi *,
after a converstaion on #debian, I found out info about these
gnome > gnome-desktop-environment > gnome-core and

gnome-desktop-environment has a dependency for evolution.

So you can remove gnome-desktop-environment, install gnome-core and just
remember to add stuff that gnome-core does not have that you want to
keep up to date.


I was going to delete gnome-desktop-environment but when I simulated it:

# apt-get -s remove gnome-desktop-environment
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED
 gnome gnome-desktop-environment
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 165 not upgraded.
Remv gnome [1:]
Remv gnome-desktop-environment [1:]

... apt is removing gnome package also, because gnome depends on gnome-desktop-environment.

Is there a *simple* way to remove gnome-desktop-environment, so I can remove Evolution and anything else I want? If not, I would just leave it there.


AFAIK gnome and gnome-destktop-environment are just meta packages to simplify installation, and removing them will not remove Gnome. If it did there would be more than 2 files to remove :).



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