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Re: sound volume not persistent between reboots

>>>wouldn't just running alsamixer and setting the desired levels solve
>>>this problem?
>>I tried exactly this in the past.  Still didn't keep my settings.
>>Although I noticed that the Gnome volume control accurately reflected
>>the changes I made via alsamixer (before reboot, that is).
>one more thing that comes to my mind. i recall seeing something like
>'previous alsa settings found. will not touch mixer'
>during the boot process - however, i'm not sure whether it went to
>/var/log/messages or /var/log/bootlog. also, i don't have access to my
>box at the moment, so i cannot check what the exact form of the message
>is (i'm pretty sure that the 'will not touch mixer' is there) and when
>is it issued. i'll try to check it out tomorrow.
>maybe this is directly related to your problem? do you see something
>like that during the boot?
>also, as a last resort, maybe purging and re-installing alsa would help
>- - that might however require removal of too many packages - i don't

Funny you mention that. I reboot the machine (after taking out the other two alsa links) and that's the message I see -- it wasn't there before:

Saved ALSA mixer settings detected; aumix will not touch mixer.

But it still doesn't come back with the volume settings restored.

I'll keep hunting...

Rick Reynolds
He who breaks a thing to find out what it is, has left the path of wisdom. -- Gandalf

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