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Re: What's the next step?

Rocky Ou wrote:
> Hey,
> I use netinst CD installed Debian Sarge 3.1 successfully. I only
> installed base system no any other stuff. I can use SSH to connect to
> remote server. If you could give me some hints regarding to the
> following items, I would really appreciate it?
>    1. Which package should I download so that I can  browse webpages as
>       how I'm doing under Windows?  This is very important as lots of
>       webpages will give me how-to instructions. Do I use apt-get 
>       xxxxx? Or something else?
>    2. What about Desktop management? I think I can either use KDE or X
>       servers right? Most likely I'm wrong. What I want is that I can
>       open a terminal to enter commands not the old MS style, So that I
>       can use Crt+tab to move betwen termialls?
>    3. Can I use apt utility to download CMS such as TYPO3? After
>       downloading does all of the users can have access to it, I mean
>       except root? If this is possible how can normal users do it?

1. replace "stable" for "testing" on /etc/apt/sources.list (*optional,
many people would recommend against this for a newbie).
2. apt-get update (Proceed to 2.1 if you DID change stable for testing
else go to 3.)
 2.1 apt-get dist-upgrade
 2.2 apt-get install linux-image-2.6.16-1-386 (686 if it applies and
 2.3 apt-get install remove --purge hotplug (
 2.4 apt-get install udev
 2.5 reboot and proceed to 3.
3. apt-get install kde x-window-system-core
This should get you going, the hardest thing will be X configuration.
Don't know any good docs about configuring X maybe someone else can
provide help with this and there's always google...
Check http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/reference.en.html


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