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Re: filtraje de destinatarios de mensajes entrantes en exim4

enediel gonzalez wrote:
saludos a todos

Hello, yourself. This is an English-only list.

I've provided a translation line-by-line. I can't answer the question...

Tengo exim4 con spamassasin funcionando como smarthost de un dominio.

I have exim4 with spamassasin acting as the smarthost for a domain.

Necesito que los mensajes entrantes y con destino a cuentas invalidas dentro del dominio sean filtrados en el debian, he buscado como configurar ACL sin que me quede claro como hacerlo apropiadamente en el exim.

I need for entering messages with invalid destination accounts within
the domain to be filtered by debian; I have looked into how to configure
ACL without being able to figure out how to do that approriately with

agradeceria cualquier referencia que me ayude (que no sea google -> exim4 acl por favor)

Thanks for any reference which might help me (except google -> exim acl, please)

thanks etc.

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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