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mod_perl Not Working W/ Apache2 on Sid

I'm just trying to run a simple test set up, so I don't have to keep 
uploading every little change to my web server.  I've had Apache2 
working for a while, and today I added mod_perl (aptitude install 
libapache2-mod-perl2).  My /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/perl.load looks 
like this:

LoadModule perl_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_perl.so

<Directory /perl >
   SetHandler  perl-script
   PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry
   Options +ExecCGI

(I saw a sample with another line in it, after the first line 
(PerlModule Apache2) but Apache2 would not load with that line 

The root server directory is /var/www and I have a perl script 
in /var/www/perl.  When I try to access it with Firefox, it tries to 
download it instead of the script being executed.  I've tried changing 
the directory do /var/www/perl in the config, but that doesn't help.

(I use /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload between each test.)

All I want to do is test a few simple scripts on my local system and 
make sure they're working before I put them on a server.  I don't need 
anything fancy, I'm not worried about speed.  I just need them to run.

What is wrong or mis-configured?  Any suggestions?



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