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Re: best way to install asterisk

Nic wrote:
> "Roberto C. Sanchez" <roberto@familiasanchez.net> writes:
>>Quoting Nic <nferrier@tapsellferrier.co.uk>:
>>>"Roberto C. Sanchez" <roberto@familiasanchez.net> writes:
>>>>Your original message makes it seem like the package installs in Sarge
>>>>and Etch, but without amportal.  However, you want the amportal package,
>>>>which is only available for Sid.  If that is the case, then you can
>>>>simply get the source for the Sid package and backport it.
>>>Is amportal available for sid? I can't find it.
>>>Do you mean that the amportal from the freepbx repository is based on
>>>I'm sorry if I am being stupid. None of this makes much sense to me. I
>>>don't really understand why asterisk is in debian without
>>>amportal... amportal seems to be fairly key.
>>OK.  Let's backup a little.
>>  - Which distro (Sarge/Etch/Sid) are you running?
>>  - Where are you obtaining your asterisk packages?
>>  - Where are you obtaining your amportal packages?
> You didn't get my reply to this. I did copy my reply to the nntp
> gateway as well... 
> Anyway... the answer was:
>>  - Which distro (Sarge/Etch/Sid) are you running?
> I'm trying to use asterisk to manage an external voip box... so I'm
> going to run it in a vm and I don't care which debian I'm running.
> Anything that works.
>>  - Where are you obtaining your asterisk packages?
> debian apt mirrors; sarge, etch or sid.
>>  - Where are you obtaining your amportal packages?
> deb http://rapid.dotsrc.org/ amportal/
> deb-src http://rapid.dotsrc.org/ amportal/
> which I did because of this:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=8345464&forum_id=42627 
> As I say, these packages are broken but I don't know if I'm mixing
> them up with the correct asterisk.
That may be the case.  Have you tried building the packages yourself on
your own machine?  They provide the sources, so you may want to consult
my package customization howto and give it a shot:


> It seems strange that amportal isn't in debian... but it doesn't
> appear to be.

That is more a function of someone having the inclination to package it
and then either upload it (in the case of a Debian Developer) or look
for a sponsor (in the case of a non-DD).  At this point, a package has
been requested ( http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=341561
), so some interested Debian Developer or DD-wannabe may latch on to it

Alternatively, if you need this for a business and can justify the
expense, you may want to see if you can hire someone experienced in
packaging software for Debian to package it up for you.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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