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Re: Newcomers to Debian downloading/ordering full CD-set

Am 2006-03-16 09:23:44, schrieb Chris Lale:

> What would happen to packages like Apache and Exim? You might expect to 
> find them in more than one CD eg Base, Web, Mail etc.

exim maybe nullmailer and ssmtp woulg go onto Baseinstall-CD
while apache goes onto the "Server CD"

> Would you end up with a lot more CDs because the packages do not 
> completely fill a particular CD? Perhaps you could get around this by 

There are not realy much CD's...

I have splited it into

1)      Netinstall                      1 CD

2)      Baseinstall + Console tools     2 CD
3)      X-Window-System                 6 CD including OOo
4)      Devel                           2 CD
5)      KDE                             3 CD
6)      GNOME                           2 CD
7)      Documentations                  1 CD
8)      Servers                         1 CD

                I do not have exactly numbers of CD's
                for each section but it is like this.

I am using the popularity-contest to determiner the sequenz ce of the
packages on the CD's if one Section has more then it it on ONE CD.

If I split strict, I would get 17 CD's instead of 13 as in Debian.
But downloads would be reduced to a minimum.  If someone does not
development she/he will never download those 3 CD's.  I have never
installed KDE or GNOME which reduce automaticaly 5 CD's.

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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