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Re: Files piling up in /var/* directories

Am 2006-03-11 13:27:19, schrieb Mike McCarty:

> >See above, hda1 and hda2 probably have more than enough space to play 
> >in.  And lots of shops may have used 20's to 40's laying around, 
> >available for a $20 bill.  I'm not rich by any means, I'm 71 & almost 
> >retired, on SS, but that doesn't mean I'd starve if I bought another 
> >$120 300GB drive yet today.
> Well, I'm a laid off telecom engineer who doesn't have a job.
> I've looked around for just the discs you mention, and used
> 40Gig goes for about $50 here. I can get a new one for just
> about the same price. YMMV


Here in germany you get an 80 GByte drive for 46 Euro (~59 US$)
40 GByte drives are not more availlabel here.

> Mike

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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