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Re: copying a 12GB file

Am 2006-03-10 13:36:35, schrieb .:
> Sinan Nalkaya wrote:
> >if the server is debian, the nfs daemon provided by nfs-kernel-server
> >packet should do fine, i wrote and read 40 gb daha to nfs server without
> >any problem, didnt measure the time/speed.
> The server I wanted to to copy the file from is running Debian Woody,
> kernel 2.4.20. The workstation is running Debian testing with 'stock'
> kernel. I used the workstation as the NFS-server.

Update the Kernel to at least 2.4.24,
but better 2.4.27 from Sarge or

> When trying to copy the file in async mode, I got between 1.5--2 GB only 
> before
> it failed with an I/O error, at a decent speed. Sync mode didn't seem to 
> fail,
> but it turned out to be awfully slow. I calculated that it would have needed
> about 14 hours to copy 12 GB. I didn't want to wait that long ... :)

My FileServers and my PostgreSQL are running Woody and I have

+---[ cmd 'uname -a' ]----------------------------------------------------------
| Linux samba3.private 2.4.27-1-k7 #1 Sun Sep 12 00:28:55 CEST 2004 i686 unknown

which is the standard Kernel from <http://www.backports.org/> and

+---[ cmd 'tdsysres' ]-----------------------------------------------------
|  12:30:52 up 7 days, 20:58,  2 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.06, 0.01
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
| Mem:        516404     501020      15384          0      82088     197192
| -/+ buffers/cache:     221740     294664
| Swap:       489972      15680     474292
| Total:     1006376     516700     489676
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Dateisystem          1M-Blöcke   Benutzt Verfügbar Ben% Eingehängt auf
| /dev/hda1                  449        56       369  14% /
| /dev/hda3                 1428       471       886  35% /tmp
| /dev/hda5                 2819       924      1752  35% /usr
| /dev/hda6                  714       356       320  53% /var
| /dev/hda7                  177        11       157   7% /var/log
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Dateisystem          1M-Blöcke   Benutzt Verfügbar Ben% Eingehängt auf
| samba3:/home            694855    432441    262414  63% /home
| samba2:/data-dev        958464    787049    171415  82% /usr/src
| samba1:/data-mm        1433600    743805    689795  51% /data-mm
| pgsql:/PostgreSQL       436224    157077    279147  36% /PostgreSQL

> Any ideas why NFS doesn't work?

On the FileServer samba3 I have

+---[ cmd 'apt-cache policy nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap' ]----------
| nfs-kernel-server:
|   Installed: 1:1.0-2woody3
|   Candidate: 1:1.0-2woody3
|   Version Table:
|  *** 1:1.0-2woody3 0
|        1000 http://woody.debian.tamay-dogan.net woody/updates/main Packages
|        1000 http://woody.debian.tamay-dogan.net woody/main Packages
|         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
| nfs-common:
|   Installed: 1:1.0-2woody3
|   Candidate: 1:1.0-2woody3
|   Version Table:
|  *** 1:1.0-2woody3 0
|        1000 http://woody.debian.tamay-dogan.net woody/updates/main Packages
|        1000 http://woody.debian.tamay-dogan.net woody/main Packages
|         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
| portmap:
|   Installed: 5-2
|   Candidate: 5-2
|   Version Table:
|  *** 5-2 0
|        1000 http://woody.debian.tamay-dogan.net woody/main Packages
|         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status


+---[ cmd 'cat /etc/exports' ]---------------
| /home   *(rw,no_root_squash,async,insecure)

Then on my Workststion it is:

+---[ cmd 'uname -a' ]---------------------------------------------------------------
| Linux michelle1.private 2.4.27-2-386 #1 Mon May 16 16:47:51 JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

which is the standard Kernel from Sarge.

+---[ cmd 'apt-cache policy nfs-common portmap' ]--------------------
| nfs-common:
|   Installiert:1:1.0.6-3.1
|   Mögliche Pakete:1:1.0.6-3.1
|   Versions-Tabelle:
|  *** 1:1.0.6-3.1 0
|         900 http://sarge.debian.tamay-dogan.net sarge/main Packages
|         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
| portmap:
|   Installiert:5-9
|   Mögliche Pakete:5-9
|   Versions-Tabelle:
|  *** 5-9 0
|         900 http://sarge.debian.tamay-dogan.net sarge/main Packages
|         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status


+---[ cmd 'cat /etc/fstab' ]-------------------------------------------------
| samba3:/home /home nfs rw,bg,hard,intr,tcp,vers=3,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 0 0

I am transfering backups and projects between my three Workstations and
the three FileServers and transfering the compressed pg_dump's from my
PostgreSQL Server to the FileServers...

Filesize between 40 and 80 GByte.

No problem since 2.4.24 with ext3.

Please note, that ext2 is limited to 2 GByte and xfs/reiserfs
have some stange issues had in the past with older kernels.

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

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