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Re: Release cycle

David Berg wrote:
I don't know if there's a good way to ask this question, and am very
tempted to just hit cancel now...

I'm curious to know when etch might freeze.  Now, before you all jump
on me and tell me "its ready when its ready", let me clarify.  I'm not


I think that your request is perfectly reasonable. In fact, it is
something which has bothered me about every Linux distro I've had
contact with, and I've had contact with a few.

It boils down to this: In order to be able to answer your question
meaningfully, one must have real requirements. But all Linux
distributions have none. A meaningful answer would be a list
of functional and performance requirements which must be met, along
with a list of deviations from those requirements, and estimates
of effort required (not elapsed time) to meet each requirement
which is not yet met.

Until this is done (and I have no hopes of it ever being done)
then there can be no meaningful answer to your question, as there
are currently no objective criteria by which one can judge readiness.

As it is now, when the development team either has some "gut feel"
that things are "good enough", or just plain get tired of working
on a given release, then it is declared stable.

This is not anything peculiar to Debian, by any means.

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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