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Re: Control panel for Debian (was: Webmin themes)

Quoting Bill Wohler <wohler@newt.com>:

"Martynas Brijunas" <mbrijun@gmail.com> writes:

after installing webmin on my sarge server, I tried to download and
install a few themes for it. Even though the webmin confirms a
successful install into /usr/local/share/webmin, none of the newly
installed themes appear in the selection drop down list. Please help.

I wouldn't worry about it too much since webmin has been deleted in

But seriously, going forward, is anyone working on a control panel for
Debian? Like webmin, such a tool would gather together all of the
system administration tasks in a flexible, pluggable, way.

Webmin, however, still supports Debian. The reason it is being removed from the repository is because it moves so fast that it gets out of date very quickly. You can always still install it from upstream, without too much trouble.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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