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Re: User And Group create failures - sarge

On Thursday 02 March 2006 13:44, Olafur Jens Sigurdsson wrote:
> > # addgroup --system bind
> > Adding group `bind' (111)...
> > Done.
> >
> > Obviously this worked:
> >
> > # getent group bind
> > bind:x:111:
> >
> >
> > but now I have to create a user, in that group:
> >
> > # adduser --system --home /var/cache/bind --no-create-home
> > --disabled-password --ingroup bind bind
> > adduser: The group `bind' does not exist.
> Does using --gid 111 instead of --ingroup bind work?
> Oli

Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
I have tried using --gid now, with the exact same effect.

Now, something totally different:

As a test, we did this:

addgroup --system bind; echo $?; while ! adduser --system --home /var/bind 
--no-create-home --ingroup bind bind; do sleep 1; done

basically, it runs for an x amount of time before successfully adding the 
user.  At each run of the above command, the loop runs random times.

Here is some output:

~/temp# addgroup --system bind; echo $?; while ! adduser --system 
--home /var/bind --no-create-home --ingroup bind bind; do sleep 1; done
Adding group `bind' (111)...
adduser: The group `bind' does not exist.
adduser: The group `bind' does not exist.
adduser: The group `bind' does not exist.
adduser: The group `bind' does not exist.
adduser: The group `bind' does not exist.
Adding system user `bind'...
Adding new user `bind' (108) with group `bind'.
Not creating home directory.

Thanks guys,

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