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Re: xrdb questions

Andrew Cady <d@jerkface.net> writes:

> On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 04:37:39PM -0600, Robert D. Crawford wrote:
>> I did forget to mention that if I run
>> xrdb --query
>> I do see the emacs and rxvt stuff , and if I exit emacs and rxvt and
>> start them up again, things are fine.
> The problem is probably that X resources are (by default) cleared when
> the last client disconnects from the X server.
I am not sure that I was clear.  I do not want the resources cleared.  I
just thought that they should be in place _before_ any clients were
opened.  Here, minus a few steps, I am sure, is what I thought should

1.  startx reads the ~/.xinitrc file to see what to start

2.  As it moves through the script, it loads X.

3.  after X is loaded, xrdb is run with .Xdefaults as its argument.  

4.  the window manager, fvwm in this case, is started from the .xinitrc

5.  "control" goes to the .fvwm2rc file which starts fvwm and whatever
    clients have been specified.

In the above case, the resources should be loaded and available for x
clients _before_ any clients, including the wm, are loaded.   As nothing
seems to be getting the settings until I close and restart those
clients, in this case rxvt and emacs, I can only assume that the
resources are not available until _after_ the programs are loaded.  

My question is why?


Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@comcast.net

Q:	What do you have when you have a lawyer buried up to his neck in sand?
A:	Not enough sand.

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