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Re: How to reclaim space on hard drive not partitioned fully initially?

Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for your extraordinarily clear explanation of what was 
going on and plan for proceeding. I  read it and this is what I did.

I used the fact that my partitions were

/dev/hda1  /boot
/dev/hda2  /
/dev/hda3  /home

and all i had on the extended partition was the swap.
I removed the swap, and extended partition and 
recreated the extended partition and swap  pushed at the end of the drive.
The I deleted the /home partition, created it again using all the free space 
and then extended the file system within the bigger partition. Here is what I 

1. I Backed up all my /home data via rsync to another machine.

2. used quantian (a knoppix variant) disc. 

3. Booted into quantian, 

4. swapoff to turn off use of 
the /dev/hda5 linux swap partition within quantian

5. used parted to remove logical swap partition /dev/hda5
and remove /dev/hda4 the extended partition.

using  parted

rm 5
rm 4

6. created a new /dev/hda4 extended partition at the end of the drive (last 2 

mkpart extended 112564.819  114470.969

7. added a new swap logical partition to the new extended partition at the 

mkpartfs logical  linux-swap 112564.819  114470.969

8. tried to run qtparted to extend the /dev/hda3 to cover the 'gap' before 
the /dev/hda4 and /dev/hda5 . qtparted refused saying: that "my ext2 (3) file 
system was strange and qtparted didnt support it yet".

9. I then ran 

tunefs -O '^has_journal' /dev/hda3 

this converted /dev/hda3  ie /home from ext3 to a ext2 file system.

10. I tried once again to run qtparted to extend this (now ext2) file system 
to the full intervening space. 
I still got the error message about a 'strange' file system not supported.

11. So then I ran fdisk. I wrote down the beginning cylinder number of 

/dev/hda3 (2445) and !!!!deleted the  /dev/hda3!!!!, 


12,  then still under fdisk I did:
n to create a new partition started at cylinder 2445 (default choice) and 
ended at 14350 (default choice!!). Then I did

13. resize2fs -p /dev/hda3

It refused. It  told me first I had to run: 

14. e2fsck -f /dev/hda3

I did that and it did what it wanted.

15. resize2fs -p /dev/hda3

16. tune2fs -h /dev/hda3

17. remounted the /dev/hda3 on /home 


I now have a 90GB /home partition.

Thank you very much for your help!!


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