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Re: Lost partitions

As root create the directories you want:-

mkdir /mnt/win-c	#call them what you like
mkdir /mnt/win-d

Still as root edit /etc/fstab to add lines like:-

/dev/hda1	/mnt/win-c	vfat rw,uid=1000,gid=100 0 0

where /dev/hda1 is the windows partition
/mnt/win-c is the mount point in linux
vfat is the file type
rw means read/write
uid=1000 is user (you) who wants to own the files
gid=100 is group
0 0 is to do with backup

read man fstab & man mount, lots of variations on the above available


James Hudspeth wrote:
I recently installed Debian Sarge i386 to dual-boot with XP Home. This is not the first time I have installed Linux to dual boot with Windows, I used to have Mandrake/Mandriva. With Mandrake, I could access the data held on my windows partitions through /mnt/windows_c/, /mnt/windows_d/ and so on. /mnt/ is empty on my Debian install, both as my user and as root.

Is there any way short of re-installing that I can get Debian to recognise these drives? Could I be missing mount points, and if so, how would I get them? I mostly want access to my mp3s.

Any help is appreciated ahead of time,


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