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X.org resolution default selection

I've been revisiting my X setup to get better resolution/refresh rate, and 
have run into a problem that I'm not sure on. I'm running an NVidia card 
(with their drivers) on a 19" CRT. What I'd like to have is X start in 
1400x1050@85Hz. Just getting this is easy enough, but I'd still like higher 
resolutions to be available (with lower refresh rates), such as 1600x1200 and 
1920x1440 for games, movies, rendering, etc. I'd like them to be available, 
but *not* used by default.

The pertinent info from my xorg.conf is the Modes I'd like:
	Modes "1920x1440" "1856x1392" "1792x1344" "1600x1200" "1400x1050" "1280x1024" 
"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

I've tried the following: 1) Set ViewPort to "1400 1050" in the relevant 
Display subsection. This simply trims all higher resolutions as if they 
weren't there. 2) Reorder the xorg.conf Modes line to place "1400x1040" as 
the first entry. This briefly appeared to work great, X started up displaying 
that resolution, but the ViewPort was still the 1920x1440 in order to support 
all indicated Modes.

Any other suggestions as to how I can accomplish this? Again, I'd like 
1400x1050 for normal desktop use, but be able to switch (via XRANDR) to lower 
*and higher* resolutions. The only other thought I have it to place the 
xrandr -s HxV command in an X initialization script, but that seems like a 
very hackish way to do it.


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