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Re: New problem with dvips and latex-beamer

Andrew Perrin wrote:
Help! This morning a new problem has emerged using the latex-beamer
package and dvips.  I have not changed my workflow, so I'm guessing it's
the result of an update somewhere along the way.  The issue is, after I
use latex to generate a dvi of a set of lecture slides, I then use
dvipdf to create the presentation file.  It says:

aperrin@che:~/afshome/classes/soc10/spring06$ dvipdf socthinking
dvips: no match for special paper size found; using default

then the slides are placed on "pages" such that they take roughly 1/6 of
each page, in the bottom right corner! This did not happen as recently
as yesterday.

Any advice will be most welcome.

I think the recommended way to make PDFs for the latex-beamer package is
to either use an intermediate postscript file (with dvips and ps2pdf) or
to call pdflatex to generate the PDF directly from the latex-source. I
have the impression that going via pdflatex is the most "stable" way to
use the beamer package. However, if you do not want to use pdflatex you
could try to call dvips with the -T option to override the papersize
definition in the DVI file. I have never tried this myself, but I would
guess that
$ dvips -T 128mm,96mm socthinking.dvi && ps2pdf socthinking.ps
might solve your problem.


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