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Re: Re: su/sudo cannot X

On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 10:15:57PM -0500, hendrik@topoi.pooq.com wrote:
> I've been told that if a process has a window on an X server, it can 
> create fake events on any of the windows on the X server.  This was, 
> ages ago, a building block for various nice user interfaces, decades 
> before anybody was serious about computer security.  So an open root 
> window wound be easy prey for any stray process that managed to put 
> anything on your screen.
> Anybody know how true this is?

It's true. But, if you have a trojan process injecting X events into
your X, it could trash all your user's data -- which in my case is more
valuable than a root shell on my box (I can unplug the network access
and reinstall in an hour: although I'd be very interested to know where
such a trojan process came from)

Jon Dowland

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