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Re: Observations on greylisting (I get no spam any more)

On Sun, Jan 08, 2006 at 11:02:11PM -0700, Daniel Webb wrote:
> I have been using the greylistd Debian package by Tor Slettnes for well over a
> year now, and have found something quite astonishing: when I started using
> greylistd, I received around 30-50 spams a day.  I installed greylistd and it
> cut that by about 80%, which is similar to reports by others.  In the last
> several months, it occurred to me that I don't get many spams at all any more,
> so I turned off greylistd.  I receive almost no spam at all now.  Has spam
> drastically fallen in the last year?  One person I know said they get about
> the same as last year.  Is it because the spammers are treating the SMTP "try
> again later" code the same as a bounce and remove me from their lists?
> Believe me, I'm not complaining, but what the heck is up?

It might be because your a heck of good person, and you did all the stuff right
last year, and santa gave you a present. I can hardly say that Santa flew by
my place with such a nice present. I hope I can behave myself a bit better this
year, if there is a bit less spam in it for me ;)

The 80% drop is something that I have noticed aswell, but there is still enough
that pops thru. Looking at the graphs I don't feel there is a lot of improvement
in '05. The percentage of spam is still the same although the amount of mail
is still going up.
I think you are one of the lucky ones.


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