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Re: Fwd: orinoco wireless on sid

On 12/17/05, Peter Nuttall <p.s.nuttall@durham.ac.uk> wrote:
> From your debugging output, I see that modprobe is trying to load the
> module from the 2.4.27-2 directories. I haven't seen a problem like it
> before, but you might want to see if you have a
> /lib/modules/2.4.27-12-686 dir. Another thing to check is if the driver
> is packaged seperatly.

That's the directory that's there.  The package is
kernel-image-2.4.27-2-686, and the version is 2.4.27-12.  The driver
is included in that package (as reported by dpkg -S), and "apt-cache
search orinoco" doesn't turn up anything else.  The only other package
that contains orinoco.o is pcmcia-modules, but there's only a 686-smp
version of that, and I'm not running the -smp kernel.  I tried
modprobing the other modules that share a directory with orinoco.o,
and they all load without problems (excluding the orinoco_*.o modules,
with which I didn't bother), so it's not something that got screwed up
for wireless in general.

> Not knowing anything about the driver, and not having one to play with,
> my only suggestion is to downgrade your kernel to the working version.

The last working version isn't available, unless I'm missing
something.  The only earlier 2.4 kernel I can see in sid is 2.4.25,
which is a hell of a downgrade.  When I tried to boot into it after
the 2.4.27 upgrade broke the driver, I got a kernel panic, so I'm not
too comfortable with that option.

I don't know if the driver works properly in 2.6, but I'd really
prefer not to do a major kernel upgrade, potentially breaking a lot of
my current configuration, just to fix something that the kernel
maintainers should be addressing.

> Sorry I can't be more help.

Hey, more help than anyone else so far -- many thanks for the effort. 
The list of bugreports for the 2.4.27 kernel doesn't exactly give me
great hopes for a speedy resolution, unfortunately.

Since the kernel-source package was upgraded to -12 (instead of being
mismatched with kernel-image), I've been trying to build the modules
myself, with limited success.  I'm hoping that make-kpkg with
/usr/share/kernel-package/config as my .config file will do the trick
-- it's running at the moment.

Michael A. Marsh

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