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Re: debian vs ubuntu and knoppix

Steve Lamb wrote:
Juraj Fedel wrote:

Is it possible to instal Ubuntu or Knoppix and then to cotinue
with installing packages from Sarge? (Only CD available - no
network download possible.)

    With Knoppix, generally yes.  With Ubuntu, no.

    Knoppix provides a way to copy the CD onto a partition and make it
bootable.  From there you can upgrade into Sarge.  There are some problems
with that procedure but sometimes Knoppix itself will recognize hardware the
Debian installer does not so it makes for good 2nd chance install.  I've done
it at least once in my memory.

Are you sure about this? AIUI a Knoppix hard disk install leaves the user with a Debian unstable system. It was this "eek" factor that led me to install Ubuntu (actually Kubuntu as they preferred KDE to Gnome, having tried both) on my parents' machine.

Haven't had much of a chance to try Kubuntu yet, and I am certainly unfamiliar with the alternative (Sarge/KDE), but I must admit, it seems pretty good[1], and I can now understand why _some_ people may prefer it.

[1] Good for my parents, that is. Not for me. Have I become so militant that I consider a (k)ubuntu default install bloated? ;)

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