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Re: why do I need fam?

On Monday 10 October 2005 14.59, golfer wrote:
> I running sarge with 2.6.8-686 as a desktop workstation.
> I notice a slow down when I'm doing something as simple as copying a
> large file and top shows the 'cp' command only using about 7% of cpu,
> but also shows 'famd' as a big hog, using about 60-70 % cpu.
> I've also had a couple freeze ups (like $M) when doing routine things
> like removeing a large file.  I haven't been able to troubleshoot the
> cause, but now wonder if they were related to fam.
> My question is why do I need fam?
> Should I remove it altogether or just delete the rc?.d links?

I have experienced the same thing, and since I couldn't find any solution 
to the problem I simply uninstalled it. I found a couple of people on 
Google that had the same problem but nothing more.

I know a couple of packages that recommended famd becuase it is a more 
efficient way to listen for file changes than polling the files over and 
over again. But as far as I know it should work fine without famd too.


Olle Eriksson
mail@olle-eriksson.com | http://www.olle-eriksson.com

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