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Re: Should I try Etch?

On Fri, 07 Oct 2005, Redefined Horizons wrote:
> I'm still rather new to Linux, and I've been running Debian Sarge for a
> couple of months. However, I am eager to try the new features in Gnome 2.12,

> and I remember someone on the list writing that it ships with Sebian Etch.

Well, we are undergoing a C++ transition in Sid, which has probably leaked
partially into Etch.  Depending on which packages already made it into Etch,
even the version of the kernel you are running might be an issue.

I'd wait a few months more. Still, make sure to have a good backup of all
your data and configuration before you upgrade :P

>  [1] What problems am I likely to encounter running Etch? Is it really

Right now?  Lots of stuff that won't install and segmentation faults in
places where the C++ transition is still botched up in Etch.

>  [3] I burned all 14 CDs of the Debian Sarge distro. Will I need to download
> all of the CDs for the Etch distribution, or can I reuse some of those
> package CDs?

IMHO don't bother burning more than the first CD or DVD from Debian Stable
if you have a good unmettered network connection, unless you need to do
offline installs.  Debian stable may be a slow target but it gets a lot of
updates from security and point releases.  Etch and Sid change daily, and a

Oh, let me warn you: there is no guarantee that the sarge->etch upgrade path
is working just right at any given moment except right before a freeze (to
release a new stable).  Luck is a factor :)  Most of the time it IS working,
though (it is supposed to work always, but not many people test that path
for bugs unless we are freezing).

>  [4] Do they need more users to test Etch, or will my questions just be a
> pain in the neck for developers?

We are always happy to have more guinea pigs for Etch, but it is in the best
interest of everybody that only people with some experience with breakage
and debugging issues try to seriously live with it (they can better deal
with the eventual breakages, we get good bug reports). 

BTW, anyone following Etch or Sid is advised to have apt-listbugs and
apt-listchanges installed (and read the changelogs and News apt-listchanges
show).  They can save you a lot of grief, but you will need to know how to
handle the output of apt-listbugs since it reflects Sid and not Etch.

Of course, if you just want to try Etch and go back to Sarge (you will have
to reinstall, downgrading is not supported at any time and might not work at
all) if it doesn't work for you, please go right ahead.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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