Re: linux-source 2.6.12 in sarge?
Marcelo Chiapparini (<>) wrote:
> thank you very much for the tip. Following, as you suggested, the
> instructions in the section 3.8 of the apt-howto I was able to install
> linux-source-2.6.12 in may sarge system. The next step is to compile a
> fresh custom kernel. Only a minor question: what version of
> build-essential you suggest to install: the one in sarge (v 10.1) or
> the one in etch (11.1)? is it really necessary?
build-essential is just an empty metapackage that will install the GNU C
and C++ compilers as well as some developement libraries. You can use
the build-essential package from Sarge.
best regards
Andreas Janssen
Andreas Janssen <>
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674 ICQ #17079270
Registered Linux User #267976
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