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Re: Opinions -- When will Sid be usable again?

Seeker5528 wrote:

On Sun, 18 Sep 2005 02:41:37 -0400
William Ballard <nospam_50916@alltel.net> wrote:

I started using Woody in Jan 03, and switched to Sid maybe by around
April, and learned to deal with its unstability and stuck with it until
Sarge came out.  Now I run Sarge, because I expected Sid to become
horribly unusable.
I have employed SID for two years.
In all that time, it has /never /been unusable.
Horribly, or otherwise.

There are always things to tweak, which is why you run SID in the first place, the most recent example for me being an inconsistency with a later version of tth being incompatible with ps2png in Lilypond.
Aptitude spelled it out for me.
As I hadn't begun to use Lilypond, I just uninstalled it to facilitate installation of tth.
I'll reinstall Lilypond when it catches up.

But, no drama.
This is why you run SID.
There is no way that the system was rendered 'unusable'.
I could have left tth on backorder, until Lilypond caught up.
But by playing like this, in six to twelve months, you can be answering these questions instead of asking them.

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